The Breakthroughs That Are Making Aging Optional

Longevity science is shifting from theory to reality; from the lab to the living room

What if organ donations are replaced by organs home-grown?

Science is moving fast, and so should you. Artificial intelligence and personalized medicine are redefining healthcare and healthspan, allowing for groundbreaking treatments and lifesaving preventative care to be within reach like never before.

The Livelong Experience (March 28-29) will pull back the veil on these advancements. From the moment you arrive at the Palm House Hotel, you’ll be in the same room with the top minds in longevity studying tomorrow’s science, making the knowledge available today.

What’s in it for you?

  • The latest in gene therapy: How scientists are modifying genes to fight disease, repair cells, and extend lifespan.

  • Breakthroughs in regenerative medicine: From stem cells to bioengineered organ replacements.

  • Real-world applications: How AI, digital twins, and precision medicine are changing healthcare today.

  • Peer-to-Peer Learning: Share ideas and brainstorm the future of longevity with likeminded individuals who share your goals

Dr. Omri Amirav-Drory, a biotech innovator and general partner at NfX Bio, sits at the forefront of this movement. His work, and that of his peers, focuses on the pivotal role in slowing down and possibly reversing the aging process. During his session, “When Will We Have Home-Grown Organs,” Dr. Amirav-Drory will offer a glimpse into the transformational future of synthetic organ development and stem cell research. Other sessions surrounding this field include:

  • Your Medical Digital Twin: A Biological Mirror

  • Scientific Breakthroughs vs. Buzzy Hype

  • Is Therapeutic Plasma Transfusion Safe and Effective?

  • Avoiding the Four Icebergs

The Livelong Experience will sell out. With just 200 of your peers in one place engaging in deep discussion and ideation, you will leave with new ideas. Take control of your health and join us in Palm Beach.

Look good, feel better, live longer.

Longevity Media LLC

Look good. Feel better. Live longer.

Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional before starting any exercise, wellness, or health program. Nothing in our content, products or services should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Livelong is a media company and not a medical provid


or to participate.